The Erasmus+, Project On-Time and On-Budget (PRONTO) project focuses on two main objectives:
1) supporting the vocational education and training sector to be better equipped to meet the demands of the digital age;
2) supporting business and entrepreneurship to improve competitiveness and performance.
Throughout the project, a set of activities was developed. In the context of the activities, three outcomes were created: four Learning Journeys; twelve case studies; one E-Book – Guide to the BPI.

Each of these outcomes can be consulted on the READY Project’s official website. You can read the content at this link:
The project is being developed by several European partners: The Netherlands, the UK, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. The UK organization is ETA, a Chartered Management Institute Approved Center, Greece is represented by BestCybernetics, Spain by Professional Training Solutions (STP Consulting), the Netherlands is represented by LearningHubFriesland and KlareKoek, Italy by ASSET – AziendaSpecialeSvi Luppo Economico e Territorialedella Basilicata and Portugal by MAERA.
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